Saturday, October 4, 2008

That's What You Get For Zero Dollars

Mel: Will you take pictures of our family?
Shannon: No
Mel: Why?!
Shannon: Because you are too picky and you won't be happy.
Mel: Please, I'll make chili
Shannon: ok.


Keetha Broyles said...

Oh - - - these pictures are AWESOME and I don't even care what Mel thinks.

Hey - - - I KNOW them. Hi Mel, Rob, & kids!!!!

Toevs said...

Shannon, will you take pictures of our family? I'll buy you some panty hose. Ok, how about Dr. Pepper and jello? :-)

christina grandstaff said...

I need a family shot and I won't ever wear panty hose ever ever ever again. I hate them more than you. Betchya.